
This year 294 business ideas were submitted to Ajujaht. 65% of all people who submitted their ideas are men and 35% are women. The oldest competitor is 73 and the youngest 13. 54% of the competitors are highly educated.

Ideas were submitted from all counties. Most of the ideas were submitted from Tallinn (144). Ideas were also submitted from other counties: Tartu County (50), Harju County (46), Pärnu County (11), Ida-Viru County (8), Järva County (5), Lääne-Viru County (5), Saaremaa (5), Võru County (5), Rapla County (4), Valga County (3), Jõgeva County (2), Viljandi County (2), Hiiumaa (1), Lääne County (1), Põlva County (1). One idea was also submitted from India.

Business ideas were submitted from the following sectors: ICT (83), social entrepreneurship (38), energy and environment (27), health and biomedicine (25), industry and design (24), tourism and the service economy (21), creative industries (9). 67 ideas were categorised as ‘other’.

Initiated by

The Ajujaht accelerator programme and TV competition is a collaboration between the public and private sectors and is created by Enterprise Estonia.

Initiated by: EAS
