One Ajujaht team will receive a special prize „Company of the future“ from SEB Estonia: see who made it to the TOP 3

9. October 2023

One Ajujaht team will receive a special prize „Company of the future“ from SEB Estonia: see who made it to the TOP 3

SEB Eesti recognizes one Ajujaht team with a special „Company of the Future “ prize worth 5,000 euros. Teams that act to reduce the company’s environmental impact, focus on social aspects of society, or promote an inclusive and ethical business culture were expected to apply for the award. 3 finalists have been selected, the winner will be announced on October 6 as part of the sustainability festival Impact Day.

“We would like to give the „Company of the Future “ special award to the company that thinks about more than just environmental impact. The decision of the finalists was determined by whether the company contributes to something new and innovative that would change the future for the better. At the same time, we can see that the three selected finalists are definitely companies with great potential to grow and expand their operations,” said Maarja-Maria Aljas, SME segment manager of SEB Estonia.

The criteria for the company of the future are divided into three areas: environmental and social impact and company culture. The finalists were chosen by the jury from among the 9 Ajujaht teams that applied for the award at the presentations held at SEB Bank on October 4.

According to Aljas, companies from very different fields made it to the finals, but the common denominator is the energy, inspiration, and strong passion for their field reflected in the teams.

TOP 3 teams applying for the SEB special award:

  • KIUD – a company that offers durable and recycled textile waste packaging material, replacing disposable corrugated cardboard and veneer used in the packaging industry.
  • Cara Health – a healthcare/technology startup focused on improving the health and well-being of mothers throughout pregnancy and childbirth. The company has created a new type of medical practice that combines preventive traditional medicine with complementary services.
  • Raw Edge – a company, that produces a 100% natural vegetable and berry juice fermented with lactic acid bacteria, probiotics, and a low-calorie drink that does not contain caffeine, artificial additives, or added sugar. The drink contains naturally good bacteria that support the microflora of the stomach and thereby improve well-being, health, and athletic performance.

The recipient of SEB’s future company special award will be announced on October 6 at Impact Day, the biggest sustainability festival in the Baltics.

Initiated by

The Ajujaht accelerator programme and TV competition is a collaboration between the public and private sectors and is created by Enterprise Estonia.

Initiated by: EAS
